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The deadlines for the abstract submission have been made known through the first circular letter:

June 15, 2024: Submission of abstracts begins

October 31, 2024: Deadline for abstract submission


Abstract form: papers and posters - pdf  /   Abstract form: papers and posters - word file

Abstract form: panels - pdf  /  Abstract form: panels - word file


Abstracts can be sent to:


When filling out the abstract form, these thematic areas may be mentioned. This is not mandatory; other, more specific categories may be indicated by the abstract submitters:

1. Archaeology and Papyri
2. Documentary Texts (please name language and/or era), incl. ostraca, etc.
3. Literary Papyri
4. Herculaneum Papyri
5. Paraliterary Papyri
6. Juristic Papyrology
7. Palaeography
8. Linguistics
9. Materiality (including conservation and restoration, new technologies, etc.)
10. History of Papyrology

